Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Lakes Ranch Camp

Lakes Ranch Camp
The first day at camp and night

the first night at camp was kind of awkward so i went to sleep straight away . In the morning i went on the hammock with Jack,Rubin,Carter,And Max it was so fun swing back and forth our stomachs hurt then out of nowhere Mr Gemmell said come on boys it's breakfast so we ran up to the kitchen with a huge line in front of us we said great we have to wait  but time went so fast it was our turn we were surprised by how fast time went so we grabbed some weet-bix sat down and ate as fast as dog man running to a scene which is really slow then we raced back down the stairs running to the hammock and we saw some kids on it so we ran up the hill and pushed so they we all scared and they hopped off freedom i yelled .