The zoo trip
By Joseph . J
On Thursday the 25 of may Rm 10 on the best zoo trip ever so when me and my mum ran into the Hamilton zoo this guy taught us about the environment and different animals i saw a crocodile and i put my crocks on it lots of kids laughed. i wish i could keep that crocodile and use it for all my crocks and i would use it to scare My brothers imagine their reactions now that would be funny.
Guess what we did so we found these realistic wetas one boy and one girl and tossed the boy one to Mrs Hobbs and she screamed with horror "AARRHH"our teacher screamed we did this not once but twice it was hilarious After that we saw a peacock that Quinn is afraid of then we checked out other animals i wanted to see chimps so as a awesome class we explored the place we saw so much animals like bell birds,birds,giraffes,chimps the giraffes almost gave Mrs Hobbs a heart attacks
I've got to tell you about the chimps. so as Rm 10 was walking,chatting and exploring we finally got to the chimps as we were walking in we saw a cute little baby chimp then we got a surprise a chimp was eating its poo we all tried to look away then i did it again we screamed with laughter.
Then we went discovering other animals like tigers,pigs,red pandas and many more. really enjoyed this trip cause we got to discover so much animals i haven't seen before.