Monday, 4 December 2017
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Lakes Ranch Camp
Lakes Ranch Camp
The first day at camp and night
the first night at camp was kind of awkward so i went to sleep straight away . In the morning i went on the hammock with Jack,Rubin,Carter,And Max it was so fun swing back and forth our stomachs hurt then out of nowhere Mr Gemmell said come on boys it's breakfast so we ran up to the kitchen with a huge line in front of us we said great we have to wait but time went so fast it was our turn we were surprised by how fast time went so we grabbed some weet-bix sat down and ate as fast as dog man running to a scene which is really slow then we raced back down the stairs running to the hammock and we saw some kids on it so we ran up the hill and pushed so they we all scared and they hopped off freedom i yelled .
Sunday, 17 September 2017
production real proformance
Production Real Proformance
Joseph and the warriors
What was Good...
What was Good...
- The warriors did good on there scene
- Lots of people were quiet
- We looked great with our costumes on .
- We did it with righteous costumes dude
- We had some muck ups .
- some cues were out of time .
- People went to fast and made other people miss out on the speaking part .
- We got good comments from parents .
- We didn't miss our cue
- And we did it with out and fails / warriors
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Production rehearsal
Production Rehearsal
Joseph and the warriors
What was Good...
What was Good...
- We went through the hole thing yesterday
- The warriors did good on there scene
- Lots of people were quiet
- We looked great with our costumes on I looked hot.
- We had some muck ups
- some cues were out of time
- 20% people were talking and Brooklyn got a bad growling
- All the girls were starring at me Oliver William
- And we did it with out and fails / warriors
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Proud moments
Proud Moments
Term 2
I am proud that...I went to Ngahinapouri 7 s. And I even more happy that we won against my old school Koromatua.
I am proud of myself because...At my old school I never red books but now i do and i love reading it was probably because Koromatua library sucks.
I am proud of myself because...because i went to gym sports did my best lost but gave it a go even though I have never done gymnastics before in my life.
I am proud that...I am in alim because some people don't get to do this but we do and its good because it gives us a boost in math allot.
I am proud that...I am playing the Drums in a performance in front of the school.
I am proud that...My team came second in basketball.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
My Speech Reflection
My Speech Reflection
My speech
I need to reflect on...
- What was Good...
- I red it
- Looked up a few times
- Was pretty loud
- What was Bad...
- Need to use more punctuation
- Use engaging eye contact
- Use more gestures
- Speak more louder
- Engage the audience a lot more
- Get people to look at me
- What was Interesting...
- Got Mrs Hobbs to laugh
- No one in the audience laughed but Teacher
- Audience was drawing on pieces of paper😢ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¢
Thursday, 1 June 2017
The race of her life
The Race of her life
By Joseph
On 1st of June we wrote about a race a special race enjoy.
On your marks get set go the gun thunders with a loud Bang !!! . It roars around the stadium leaving the crowd silent. The runners spring off of there feet and race for victory so as Usain bolt was gaining his speed the crowd went louder and louder the commentators couldn't believe their eyes. Lady glitter sparkles will might actually have a chance of beating Usain Bolt. The commentators announced on the echoing megaphones. The more Lady glitter sparkles would catch up the more the crowd and commentators would yell Lady glitter sparkles,lady glitter sparkles the crowd chanted. Their getting close to the finish line. Go Lady Glitter Sparkles screamed her mum. Go Go Go!!! She yelled everyone looked at her she was so embarrassed Lady glitter sparkles could hear her mum so she sprinted past Usain bolt…Then...
Lady Glitter Sparkles wins. The commentators announced. The crowd goes wild throwing their hands up so high they could of hit a bird. So that was the first time lady glitter sparkles has ever won a race in the olympics. It was the race of her life.
Saturday, 27 May 2017
The Zoo Trip
The zoo trip
By Joseph . J
On Thursday the 25 of may Rm 10 on the best zoo trip ever so when me and my mum ran into the Hamilton zoo this guy taught us about the environment and different animals i saw a crocodile and i put my crocks on it lots of kids laughed. i wish i could keep that crocodile and use it for all my crocks and i would use it to scare My brothers imagine their reactions now that would be funny.
Guess what we did so we found these realistic wetas one boy and one girl and tossed the boy one to Mrs Hobbs and she screamed with horror "AARRHH"our teacher screamed we did this not once but twice it was hilarious After that we saw a peacock that Quinn is afraid of then we checked out other animals i wanted to see chimps so as a awesome class we explored the place we saw so much animals like bell birds,birds,giraffes,chimps the giraffes almost gave Mrs Hobbs a heart attacks
I've got to tell you about the chimps. so as Rm 10 was walking,chatting and exploring we finally got to the chimps as we were walking in we saw a cute little baby chimp then we got a surprise a chimp was eating its poo we all tried to look away then i did it again we screamed with laughter.
Then we went discovering other animals like tigers,pigs,red pandas and many more. really enjoyed this trip cause we got to discover so much animals i haven't seen before.
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Effecting the environment
Effecting the environment
Dear future generations. Sorry . Humans can effect the environment and animals we can effect the environment by throwing rubbish on the ground. even by throwing plastic bags around and cutting down trees witch effect us and all animals even the air. that we breath . ewe are sitting in our houses with children in Bangladesh we were living great lives there just sitting there with there parents alone and scared. while Donald trump is just trying to start world war [war 3].
Hes probably worrying about his house than homeless kids and adults. when hes spending all hid money bill English i great cause he spends so much money than you could even imagine to the homeless and needing people and charity. So that is why we should stop littering look after trees and animals and we a live a longer life. cause no trees mans no paper cause they clean up our pollution and god made animals for us to eat with no animals we cant and if we cant eat we die.
Hes probably worrying about his house than homeless kids and adults. when hes spending all hid money bill English i great cause he spends so much money than you could even imagine to the homeless and needing people and charity. So that is why we should stop littering look after trees and animals and we a live a longer life. cause no trees mans no paper cause they clean up our pollution and god made animals for us to eat with no animals we cant and if we cant eat we die.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
By Joseph
As a class we have been learning about three d shapes. We first had to lay out our piece of paper and draw what is on the ball this activity was a struggle for some kids but i did it well and truly fast i did need some help from Mrs Hobbs but still well and truly fast. Then we showed the teacher and she said if we could carry on or not. So i got to carry on but i need to draw one more block i did that and i could finally build my weird looking shape it took a while but i still achieved it ka chow . then we drew our shape and it looked like this. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ .
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
My Reflection
My Reflection
Term 1
By Joseph
Math Reading Writing

This a image of me doing math. Here is an image of me. Here is a image of
I am learning my basic facts. One of my favorite books. me doing writing
Like + x - %. I Love david pilkey books. a paragraph.
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Tapa turtles
#Tapa Turtles
This term with Mrs Gibson we learnt about...
Tapa cloth, we have watched videos and researched about the cloth. In the process of this I have learnt how to print ink onto pieces of paper,carving
wood and geometry.
I enjoyed the activity because.
We got to do so many subjects in the process of the Tapa. Like .
What I didn't enjoy about the activity was
We had to take the ink part slow because I messed up.
The patience was such a pain because i felt like just finishing it straight away
So i could see the finished product.
Math rotations
Cut it out / enjoyed because it was fun to see the shapes that kids made.
Wrap it up / enjoyed because i've never seen a paper 3d shape before.
Pattern piece / enjoyed because colouring in was super
Circle power / enjoyed because colour in and drawing and tracing a circle.
Here is a image of my completed work.
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Dog Man review
Dog Man
Dog Man is the best book ever it has so much action now i will tell you about the book but i won't spoil it. Fact did you know that this book is made by the maker of captain underpants.
Dog Man is a police officer and fights crime sometimes he might be a bit silly but with the cat being evil stops him from reading his books books make people smart the cat never reads so he is dumb.
You will have to find out the cat's name I highly recommend this book a 5 out of 5 that why you should read this book comment the cats name and tell me what you recommend this book.
My Goals
My Goals
I believe I can achieve my goals with a pen and a book because learning with a book and a pen a can change the world so i want to show you how to reach all your goals but first i show you my goals that i have achieved so.
1 learnt how to write
2 learnt how to read
3 math +x+
4 computer use
5 learning
If I can achieve my goals then you can.
And remember to achieve goals.
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
Integrity person
Integrity person
Hannah is a hard working self managed person she will focus on the work the teachers provide and never be distracted. Well sometimes but still she will be focused all the way until she is done. Hannah is a great leader she should go to leadership day. Great job Hannah and keep it up well done.
As I was pounding the cardboard, in the distance I saw Blake playing with some girl stickers. He said, “They’re mine. I mumbled at him, and told him to get over here and start folding. He replied with a quiet, “Yes.” When suddenly I felt a slobbery shape on my arm, it was Blake's girl stickers. Wow !
What is so funny I would ball my eyes out with nothing it was so funny Blake hurry up and fold some cardboard but, but my stickers he said I demanded him to not worry about it O.K let go put this in the skip bin O.K so we did and lived coolest kids ever after Boom
I am poem
I am
I am sporty and cool.
I wonder if i'll be famous.
I hear the audience screaming like Justin Bieber fans.
I see myself in the mirror wondering who I am.
I want live it all over again.
I am sporty and cool.
I pretend i was a fairy.
I feel bird's wing.
I touch some fairy dust and begin to fly.
I worry if i’ll fall.
I would cry if I fell.
But i believe in flying.
I understand that unicorns are taking over the world.
I will stop this by building wall.
I won't dream this ever again.
I will make the world great again.
I hope that will make people happy.
I am sporty and cool.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
My favourite things do
Cannon ball yelled a kid from the other side of the pool. So then I did the best dive ever. But landed on someone he cried and cried the tears could not go away. Then suddenly a kid had a swimming comp. And guess what i lost i am the worst / best swimmer ever better then Micheal Phelps I am going to the Olympics next year i will beat the world record 0.11 milliseconds .I will win Micheal Phelps.
About me
My Hobbies
- Basketball
- Learning
- Adventure
- Sports
- Activities
- Soccer
- Gaming
My reading book
My reading book
Captain underpants
and the big , bad battle of the bionic
booger boy part 1: the night of the nasty nostril nuggets
Captain underpants is a super hero that fights crime.
Captain underpants is a school principal.
It is all because two kids named George Beard and Harold Hut-chins they help captain underpants fight crime
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